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The Impact of the Evolving Cannabis Industry on Banking

In this episode of the Banking Insights podcast, WBA speaks with Tony Repanich on how the cannabis industry impacts banking.

In this episode we speak with Tony Repanich, President and Chief Operating Officer at Shield Compliance. We discuss the current state of the evolving cannabis industry and how it impacts banking. Tony explains the latest developments in Washington D.C. regarding the Safe Banking Act and what this legislation would look like for banks. We also talk about how the pandemic has impacted the cannabis industry and what that could mean for the future. And Tony shares his guidance for bankers as the industry expands.

As President and Chief Operating Officer of Shield Compliance, Tony Repanich leads day-to-day operations and is the company’s principal product architect. Having served as a senior executive at a Washington State-based community bank for over 20 years, Tony has in-depth knowledge of the banking industry and the regulatory and compliance requirements for high-risk industries. Today he brings that knowledge to financial institutions serving and considering serving the legal cannabis industry.

Originally published at Western Bankers Association.

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